Wednesday, January 28, 2009

House Episodio 100 Trailer

Final Crisis #7 FINAL

El fin...
...o esperen a la pelicula para entenderla.

Final Crisis #7 (of 7) - INGLES
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Thursday, January 15, 2009

Final Crisis #6 - Post Adjunto

Batman's last word is "Gotcha." What can you say about that? Why is that his last word?
[Laughs] Because he got all evil. What has been Batman's mission all this time since the first gun—the first bullet—that made him? He finally gets the god of evil in his sights and shoots him. I think Batman's got a sense of humor and he knows better than Darkseid. It's almost like a wink to everyone.

The last issue of Final Crisis is coming up. What can you say about the big finale?
The finale is pretty insane. Parallel universes. It's the end of the universe. Everything breaks down. I wanted to do something causality based. I don't think any of us have seen anything like this. It takes it to the point of real, nihilistic hopelessness. I'm so pleased with it. Doug Mahnke's work is amazing. Oh my god, it's amazing. Again, this is a Kirby thing and it's big. The whole idea is to do cosmic comics and no one's done something like that since the '70s. So, to be able to work with someone like Doug, it's like that type of mad fantasy art I loved from the '70s. It's just incredible, intricate and beautiful work. On the soap box side of things, for me, there's been a long [stretch] of comics trying to be about the streets and about realism and dealing with the Bush Administration. We wanted to follow more popular culture, which is going in a more psychedelic direction, to use the want of a better word. I think things are starting to get a bit crazier again and people are enjoying stuff a little bit more—the fantastical and demanding of the imagination. I think that's what we're trying to do. Final Crisis #7 is almost inventing a new style. We had widescreen comics and decompression and super-compression. This is channel-zapping comics.

Entrevista Completa: Aqui


Solo Batman podia asesinar a un Dios. Y con eso Morrison regala uno de los mejores momentos que haya visto en los comics.

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Wednesday, January 14, 2009

Final Crisis #6

....el universo DC va a cambiar radicalmente.

Final Crisis #6 (of 7) - INGLES
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Tuesday, January 06, 2009

Preludio 2: El tiempo ha llegado... hablar sobre muchas cosas. En realidad una.

Parecen meses que nuevamente tengo el control de este blog (ya lo sabran), y puedo hablar sobre....mi vida. Y como va? Pues lo mismo. Si, y puede que me este muriendo, pero como que no quiero ir a recojer los analisis de la biopsia. Y bien, seguimos adelante. Lo que uno aprende, y es mi lema, es que ante los problemas, dejar de mirarlos e ir a otra direccion, para que complicarse.

Pero si es que estoy destinado a desaperecer sera momento de tomar caminos distintos de lo que queda de vida... no se si afectara este blog...pero veamos que sucede.

La escritura puede ser tan impredecible...y mortal.


Friday, January 02, 2009

Batman #683 - El Final

Y ahora si, el final de Batman

Llegamos al numero final del arco argumental de Morrison. Y es un excelente final, tanto para toda la historia como para Bruce Wayne como Batman.

Este ultimo numero que enlaza la continuidad del murcielago con la Final Crisis ha sido una de las historias mas geniales que haya leido. Es un recopilatorio de la historia de Batman, es una leyenda que se enaltece superlativamente; y ademas, es un ataque memetico para sus captores. Y es que: ¿Quien es capaz de usar sus propios recuerdos como arma?...Batman nomas.

Morrison crea el mito definitivo, el hombre capaz de descender a la locura y estar a tres pasos adelante pensando en todo, de ver al mismo diablo a los ojos y notarle el temor, de sobrepasar los limites fisicos, mentales y espirituales de cualquier humano o dios. Okey, suena demasiado lo ultimo pero lean, lean.

Morrison cumplio. Nos entrego una historia excelente y nos mostro la ultima mision que le toca acabar al Caballero de la Noche. Finaliza en Final Crisis #6. Cuidate Darkseid.

Next: Battle for the Cowl!

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